Archive for August, 2013

Side by Side LGBT Film Festival Needs Your Help!

As I'm sure you guys have already heard(or, if you're me, researched on the internet till two in the morning, sweat dripping down your Randian brows, anger blinding you, as you thrashed in your sheets, waiting for a hole between dimensions to open up and return you to your real home where it is 2013 and things like this don't happen...) Russia has some really fucked up LGBT laws going on right now.I wish I could use a different word to ... Read more

This Week In Badass

I feel like Laura Poitras is as legendary to me as Regina George was Lindsey Lohan when she walked out of the African Saraha into high school.Laura Poitras punched me in the face once. It was awesome. Who knew a humble documentary filmmaker would have a hand in bringing the biggest government conspiracy to the American People? We could guess! It's what doc directors aspire to do. When Poitras got an email last January that eventually led her to a meeting with Snowden, ... Read more

Let’s Talk About Sex Baby

...As far as the female gaze was concerned.No, not female gays, and stop using pictures of Shane as a cheap ploy to get more readers. Recently Mod Carousel, a boylesque group, made news with it's "parody" of the infamous Blurred Lines video. It was covered by Huffington Post, featured on the Citizen Jane Facebook page, and going down in history as one of my favorite videos ever. Seriously, if you haven't seen it, check it out. It's a great cover, a funny video, ... Read more

One Woman in One Hundred is NOT Okay

The Reason that Citizen Jane Exists.Pictured is Alice Guy Blache', the woman who made the first narrative film...ever. Read more